Sunday, January 16, 2005

Sunday Morning Thoughts

Well, it's 2005. The Twenty-First Century. I remember watching that old Walter Cronkite show (The 21st Century) on TV and wondering if all of those neat things would come true. Things have changed, though frankly, a lot has stayed just about the same. People are people, and while fads like disco, rap and pants that fall down to show off one's BVDs come and go, we all are pretty much the same, except not as young- and hopefully not as stupid. I remember one of my old professors telling us not to bother pursuing careers in microbiology, because with the advent of the new "wonder drugs," antibiotics, vaccines and the like there would be no need. Missed the boat on that one, didn't he? In the 1970s we were all horrified that gas prices were going up and that there wasn't enough to go around. We were worried about pollution and global cooling... yes youngsters, global COOLING! We were going to trigger the next ice age, since our cars and factories were preventing enough solar radiation from reaching the earth. We were worried about the Russians, we were worried about the Chinese, we were worried about immigration from Mexico. Democrats were conservative and Republicans were some arcane, hidden society no one except rich people understood (or could join). Cars were heavy metal and you didn't have to wear safety belts, put all the kids in the back of the pick-up and go to the Drive-In on Saturday night. You could record your football game or TV movie with your $1500 Beta VCR, or record your favorite music onto a cassette or 8-track tape, though the media and recording industry was howling about copyright infringement and how recording devices should be abolished or designed to make you pay them (not the artists- really). I wore blue jeans, flannel shirts or sweatshirts with hoods, bib overalls and a ball cap. I complained that there was never enough leisure time, that classes took too long and covered too much.

What about now? We are all horrified that gas prices are going up and that there won't be enough to go around. We are worried about Islamic fundementalists, we are worried about the Chinese, we are worried about immigration from Mexico. Democrats are liberal, Republicans are conservative (though lots of people still think they are some arcane, hidden society composed of rich people). Cars are mostly plastic, everyone wears safety belts, no one rides in the back of a pick-up truck, and there are very few Drive-Ins left- but you can rent the DVD. You can record your favorite movie or music as a VHS, MP3, DVD, etc., but the media and recording industry (think RIAA) is howling about copyright infringement and how recording devices should be abolished or designed to make you pay them (not the artists- really...except Metallica). I wear blue jeans, flannel shirts, sweatshirts and a ball cap, though I do have to occasionally wear a suit (I really hate this). I complain that there is too much leisure time and that I cannot adequately prepare my students in the time given. I'm older. I'm slower. I still like the same stuff. I know more about some things- I know less about many more. I am the same person I was- just with less hair on my head, more in my nose, and more adipose tissue (think fat) around my middle. How about you?


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