Friday, May 12, 2006

How to cure your asthma or hayfever using hookworm - a practical guide ||

Good Lord!!! Kids, don't try this at home!!!

It is truly an unusual day when I can get two entries into the blog, but I couldn't pass this one up. Read this carefully-
How to cure your asthma or hayfever using hookworm - a practical guide I've heard of people doing such things on purpose before, though how much is real vs. urban myth is subject to debate. The article is well documented and written, which leads me to believe it is probably not a spoof, outrageous as it seems. If you've had a good anatomy, microbiology or immunology course, you know how the body responds and develops immunity to foreign antigens. You may also have heard mention of the "hygiene hypothesis," that states many autoimmune and hyperimmune disorders may be the result of the reduction in exposure of the human body to outside antigens, i.e. the "too clean syndrome." While this rather drastic measure might well do the things the author claims (I won't dismiss this one right away), I do not believe that one can resort to such drastic measures without suffering the consequences for doing so. Granted, we all have a certain parasite load, but adding more to the mix might tip the scale more to the negative. Not to mention that the infected individual will shed parasites that could, either directly or indirectly, be spread to others.
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