Air raid kills al-Zarqawi - Conflict in Iraq -
Air raid kills al-Zarqawi - Conflict in Iraq -
Though this is a positive thing, it is in no way the end of terrorism and insurgency. There will be more fanatic leaders, more terror and more death. The President said early on that the war on terror would be a long and grueling process. His words ring true. Those who doubt, criticise and lend aid and comfort to the forces allied against good and decent people around the world should stop and think- were the men and women who died on 9/11 guilty of crimes against humanity? Were they and the others worldwide who have suffered at the hands of fanatics the cause of this jihad or merely innocent victims of an archaic dogma promoted by those who cannot tolerate the thought of something as good and decent as freedom and justice for all peoples? If we abandon our resolve to put an end to the evil in the world around us, are we any better than those who revel in it? I ask you all to think about what is sacrificed by the brave men and women "over there" every day to insure that you can live free of the fear that has been so long a part of the lives of those who cannot help themselves. We all want the madness to end. We all want are loved ones to come home. But if we don't take a stand right here and right now, we all lose. Put your political rhetoric aside for once and do what is right. Support your troops, support your country and try to think for once about something other than your own selves. It is time for each of us to rise above ideology and to show the world American resolve is not a thing of the past, but is just as strong and vital as it was when Nazi Germany sought to conquer Europe and Imperial Japan sought to control the Pacific Rim. Our parents and grandparents understood this then and we should now. The face of terror may change, but its ultimate goal remains the same. And we must always, always remind ourselves that freedom is not free.
Though this is a positive thing, it is in no way the end of terrorism and insurgency. There will be more fanatic leaders, more terror and more death. The President said early on that the war on terror would be a long and grueling process. His words ring true. Those who doubt, criticise and lend aid and comfort to the forces allied against good and decent people around the world should stop and think- were the men and women who died on 9/11 guilty of crimes against humanity? Were they and the others worldwide who have suffered at the hands of fanatics the cause of this jihad or merely innocent victims of an archaic dogma promoted by those who cannot tolerate the thought of something as good and decent as freedom and justice for all peoples? If we abandon our resolve to put an end to the evil in the world around us, are we any better than those who revel in it? I ask you all to think about what is sacrificed by the brave men and women "over there" every day to insure that you can live free of the fear that has been so long a part of the lives of those who cannot help themselves. We all want the madness to end. We all want are loved ones to come home. But if we don't take a stand right here and right now, we all lose. Put your political rhetoric aside for once and do what is right. Support your troops, support your country and try to think for once about something other than your own selves. It is time for each of us to rise above ideology and to show the world American resolve is not a thing of the past, but is just as strong and vital as it was when Nazi Germany sought to conquer Europe and Imperial Japan sought to control the Pacific Rim. Our parents and grandparents understood this then and we should now. The face of terror may change, but its ultimate goal remains the same. And we must always, always remind ourselves that freedom is not free.
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